Actor Rani Mukherji who had purchased 11,000 sq ft of land in Shirdi back in 2005, has now been told by the district administration to pay Rs 91 lakh tax if she wants the property transferred in her name.
When Rani had bought the land in 2005, she was unaware that it was farmland and could not be sold.
Though the actress paid Rs 1 lakh and 32 thousand for the registration, she was told that the ownership could not be transferred in her name as it was government land leased out to a farmer.
According to Rani’s lawyers, they will not be paying the required amount for the transfer.
The original owner of the land was a farmer who with the permission of the government had started a brick kiln in 1981. However, property prices of the area appreciated tremendously since then, so the original owner started to sell the land in bits and pieces, reports IANS.
Sampat More was also one of the buyers but he did not have his name registered in the documents and sold the land to the actress, who purchased it without verifying the document, according to IANS.
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